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in the name of Allah the pre eternally ancient, the all encompassing who encompasses all of his creature within his knowledge, the post eternally primeval who hath no beginning nor an end , the one who illuminates all beings by the shimmering brilliance of the light of his face, and by the power of his magnitude tremendous, over shadowingly maintains over every angel, constellation, spirit, demon and ruler, for he is feared by all of his creation, ever head ful and with humility, from the high elevation of their station, whilst prostrating themselves, the archangel of proximity answer the summons of his greatest name by whomsoever calls by it, hurrying thereby to respond to the firm attestations written upon the tablets of the hearts of the possessors of the mystery of the name baduh ajhazat.
I beckon thee, O ye spirits of the rawhaniya i,e, spiritual the urgy of high sublimity and low perish ability, and the servants of this great covenant pact, that ye answer my summons and respond to my need state thy need
by the grandeur of
birhatiya 2x karir 2x tatliyah 2x tawran 2x mazjal 2x bazjal 2x tarqab 2x barhash2x ghalmash2x khawtayr 2x qalnahuwd 2x barshan 2x katzir 2x namushalakh 2x barhayula 2x bashkilakh 2x qazmaz 2x anghalalit 2x qabarat 2x ghayaha 2x kaydhula 2x samakhir 2x simkhahir 2x shimhahir 2x bakhatuniya 2x basharish 2x tawnish 2x shamkhabarukh 2x
Yaa Allah, by the reality ortruth of kahlahij balatshaghshaghu'il amu'il yaghtash jaldam mahjama hajlamij warduwiya mahfilaj
he is Allah who nothing is like unto and he is the hearing, the seeing --42:11--
by the reality or truth of this covenant pact taken with thee, O servants of this name of fidelity and efectuation, in thet wish i command thee by in this very moment with the grandeur of his grandiouse exalted in the grandiosity of his magnificence be ye all faithful to Allah covenanted pact as ye are bound, and do not shake the faith after it hath been made firm, for indeed Allah hath made thee to be answerable, to be present to hear and submit so be ye all my aid in all that which i command thee by to action.
by the reality or truth of the most mighty, greatest name whose beginning is EL and whose ending is EL and it is EL shala' ya'ayubiyah yah wah ah by takah by takfal by sa'iy ka'iy and maymyal who are the ones obedient to thee o EL how mighty is thy name o EL lofty be zarial of that which is heard of thy name, spirit and the striking rod, and the burning enkindlement of thy light, o possessor of the greatest light, i beckon thee all by the hidden world and the great world of elevated manifestation , and by the reality or truth of the name which ye all are compacted by and so bound to the gate of the temple of greatness
bab haykal alkabir and it is alashaqish 2x mahraqish 2x afshamaqish 2x shaqhamunishish 2x rakasha 2x kashlikh 2x alaksharish 2x alakush
--and whosoever turns away from the remembrance of their lord, there shall follow up them a rissing torment.--72:17--
and by the reality or truth of ehye asher ehye adonai tzabaovot el shaddai and by the reality or truth of abjad hawaz huti and by the reality or truth of batad zahaj wah and by the reality or truth of bashamakh dalahamu shayti'un o danuwa malakhuthuwu daymutun o kur'ash ara'yishatukh balakhun o dahamut arkha arkhim arkhimun o thikhuthimazish elyon o haythamuwa maythuwa ahabun manun o ehye asher ehye adonai tzabavot tzabatun o dahmitha dahaliluwa divine metatron and o light of buraq arghish arghashish laghatuhun laghashun o shabira sharu ashmakh ashagha ashaghun o sovereignty of malikh malakh malikha malikhun o all knowing knower arghal arghi aragha arghanun tharnun kaznun shamikh shamkhitha mashlamun
--verily his command when soever he desire of anything to be is to say to it 'be and it is'--kun fayakun-- , so glory be to the one who whithi his hands are the dominion of all things and to him are ye all returning --36:82-83
be ye his obedient names , and by their invocation the one who answer, for thou art single except by its calling, that is when they are all assembled before us for verily this is indeed a pact if ye should know mighty
quick 2x make haste 2x right now 2x
thus may the blessedness of Allah be within thee and upon thee for no power and no strength is there save in Allah, the high the mighty.
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